About Me


I was first introduced to pottery in the summer of 2014 when I took a class at the Memorial Union with my mom, taught by Greg Lamont, a fellow studio member and one of the founders of CASA. CASA is a non-profit community studio I started work at in Fall 2020. I graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a focus in Ceramics. I work on the wheel making functional work, though I have many different styles and am always learning new techniques both from my studies and from my fellow studio members. I draw inspiration from contemporary ceramics, traditional pottery, and modern concepts.

In my media, I'm always learning and trying new things. I've not yet had a style that I stay on. I think that's what inspires me to create. The push to keep learning and the need to keep expanding my artistic vocabulary.

My work is inspired by traditional Japanese pottery, American Contemporary and the forms of my instructors. The shape and color of the piece is at the forefront of my work just as much as the functionality. I believe that my art must not only work well in one’s day to day life, but enhance it as well.


Please reach out to me about any custom work or questions you might have.